Today's Gujarati films are eye-popping in terms of content along with superb production values. The film 'Chabutro' released on Friday proves this fact. Raunak Kamdar and Anjali Barot starrer 'Chabutaro' has been shot in America and Ahmedabad. The message of a light-hearted family film can touch anyone.
Written and directed by Chanakya Patel, the story of the film 'Chabutaro' is worthy of the film's title. When a young man who has come to America to make a career has to come back to Ahmedabad, his thoughts and various events around him have been woven beautifully in the film. When the hope of returning to America is turned upside down, he follows his passion and starts a food stall, and then father-son gets into trouble. The director has succeeded in portraying the love and affection of the father for the son in a beautiful way through the film.
This is the first Gujarati film of the film's actress Anjali Barot. Before this she was seen in the highly acclaimed web series 'Scam 1992' opposite Prateek Gandhi. Anjali had said on the release of the film that you all have given me a lot of love on OTT. I hope you will accept my first Gujarati film and our hard work will be appreciated. In the film 'Chabutro', there is a unique opportunity to see our great city Ahmedabad along with its culture, heritage and culture. The effort shown in the film to preserve our wonderful and exquisite heritage makes the audience think.
ચબુતરો ગુજરાતી ફિલ્મ જોવા માટે અહિંયા ક્લીક કરો
Viraj is unable to continue living the life of his dreams because of visa complications, therefore he must return to Ahmedabad. He meets Nivedita, a student studying architecture, who is quite different from him, at this period. Viraj must now decide what to do. Will he decide to stay here or return home?
Other performers and crew members, with the exception of Anjali Barot (Nivedita), who is portraying an architect in the film, include the main character Raunaq (Viraj), the director Chanakya Patel, the producer Neha Rajora, and other actors and staff who are genuine architects.
Viraj is unable to continue living the life of his dreams because of visa complications, therefore he must return to Ahmedabad. He meets Nivedita, a student studying architecture, who is quite different from him, at this period.
I would give the movie a 4 out of 5 rating since I really like it. Simple is lovely, and that's exactly what it is. With an adorable dog named "Buddy" in the movie, even youngsters will appreciate it, so take the whole family and enjoy!
A great family movie! Through its enchanted cinematography, it captures the audience's interest from the first scene to the last one. Because Chicago's and Ahmedabad's heritage are so well depicted, the entire movie is aesthetically attractive. Anjali Barot and Raunaq Kamdar, of the Scam 1992 fame, have both displayed exceptional acting talent and charisma. Their on-screen relationship is captivating, and they both appear to be so real (natural). Through a couple of his most recent successful flicks, Raunaq has already left a favorable impression on the public. He has also given this performance his all. Anjali Barot stands out for her expressiveness, acting, and delivery of the line in a genuine way.
The movie's plot is very straightforward, yet it is depicted on screen in a really appealing and intriguing way. In the US, the man works and achieves his goals. Due to various VISA issues, Chicago is compelled to return to Ahmedabad. He is shown eager to return to America after arriving in Ahmedabad since he dislikes the way of life there. His father has his own goals to accomplish and wants him to work for the family company.
In the midst of all of this, he meets a lady who is a student of architecture and is captivated with the Old Ahmedabad City. She is interested in preserving the prosperity of the city's rich legacy and culture. Will there now be a crush between two individuals with opposing viewpoints? Will the young man return to Chicago? And will the man work for his family's company or pursue his own goals? In response to all of these inquiries, this movie is well seeing on a large screen.
Although the story is simple, it is really well written, and it is well executed. The beautifully written and filmed scene sequences are a true testament to the direction and script writing. The picture has become a very impressive visual experience that captures the audience's attention since the screenplay is intriguing and the cinematography is just WOW. All of the songs seem like they fit in perfectly with the plot and the music is excellent. Crisp editing and a two-hour film are also strengths. The dialogue is cleverly constructed and suitable for today's youth.
I liked the film very much and would like to rate it as 4 / 5 (🌟🌟🌟🌟). Simple is beautiful and that's what it is. Go and enjoy with your full family; even kids would love it as the film also has a cute dog 'Buddy'!
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